Butcher Box ordering in 2021 with food delivery services such as Uber Eats increased by over 200% according to tvnouvelles.ca Montreal. Local meat delivery; once the drive across town to a specialized butcher, can now be ordered online for home delivery. Fish ordering is now also provided online with convenient local Montreal meat delivery. Farm Club, Papa Earth, and Mayrand Food are three examples of modern companies providing online meat & fish ordering. Montreal has seen recent growth with local stores providing online purchasing for pickup, however most grocers require you to drive to their supermarket and don't provide bulk meat order direct delivery.
Butcher meat & fish providers such as the companies we reviewed, claim to provide higher quality products vs. the grocery stores, and add convenience of local delivery. Meat & fish ordering appears to now be made easy, with higher quality options available and some companies offering a lower price. Meat Delivery Montreal: Bulk Box Ordering Facts provides a simple reference of background, quality, quantity, and price comparisons of local meat & fish delivery. Montreal companies providing these products are reviewed so the shopper can save time and money.
With many people being on the go or researching being very time consuming, Meat Delivery Montreal: Bulk Box Ordering Facts brings you a platform that provides 2021 meat & fish delivery box prices. Bulk ordering of larger quantities is typically an option that most companies now provide as well due to the long-term cost savings. Bulk meat & fish purchasing has the concept of paying more up-front, but saving over time. Providing you have a freezer for meat & fish packages, you can store your products and typically notice a savings in price over time vs. purchasing meat & fish on a week to week basis. Meat Delivery Montreal reviewed 10 meat & fish online ordering companies that provide free-range, local, and organic meat delivery products without hormones and antibiotics. Most specialty shops, including the ones we reviewed, claim to provide high quality products.
Not all meat & fish ordering services are the same. Time and research was required to spot differences.
Meat Delivery Montreal: Bulk Box Ordering Facts shopped around to compare companies providing local meat & fish ordering. Montreal review criteria includes the following:
- total price of meat & fish order
- product claims, sourcing, & certification
- order process and shop experience
- customer service and reviews
- price transparency
- minimum order for bulk savings
Our price comparisons are based on: 40lb ground beef, 40lb boneless chicken breasts, 40lb striploin steaks, 40lb pork bacon, and 40lb wild-caught salmon fillets. Meat & fish order total of 200lb / year. Full review criteria.
Top 10 Montreal Meat & Fish Delivery Services
Farm Club Meats is the featured winner for best bulk meat & fish ordering in Montreal. Local delivery meat box with a vast selection of product, high quality product sourcing, very transparent inventory description, and cheapest price all add up to #1 in our reviews for Farm Club. Meat Delivery Montreal: Bulk Box Order Facts has also found a ClubPacks option on their website which provided additional cost savings for local meat & fish delivery. Montreal bulk box order options for home delivery butcher meat & fish are easily found online, however few offer a price below $2500 per year for Montreal meat & fish delivery.
Only two companies in our reviews received a 6/6 rating for the Meat Delivery Montreal checklist of: cost, bulk box savings, price transparency, product sourcing, purchasing process, and customer priority. This was Farm Club Meats and Papa Earth. Meat Delivery Montreal featured winner: Farm Club.
Farm Club website showing poultry. Montreal meat box delivery and ordering is simple to understand. Products show price and weight.
Positives: Farm Club Meats has a wide-range selection of the lowest cost bulk butcher box Montreal order for local meat delivery. Seafood, poultry, pork, goat, lamb, and grass fed beef. Montreal delivery with ClubPacks were also found to provide local bulk order savings. Customer service responded to Meat Delivery Montreal through email in under 24 hours and answered all of our questions without any hassle or pressure.
Negatives: No phone number on website.
Papa Earth provides a 200 lb/year bulk supply of meat and fish for under $3000/year. To be exact: a $44.72/week cost. This includes free shipping for a one time purchase cost of $2332.59. Papa Earth ranked #2 in Meat Delivery Montreal: Bulk Ordering Facts reviews and scored a 5/6 rating with our checklist. Papa Earth had the second lowest bulk price, however, bulk savings cannot be applied to orders below $1250 where-as Farm Club Meats allows bulk savings at any price. When Meat Delivery Montreal: Bulk Order Facts asked about the quality difference of Papa Earth compared to other companies, Papa Earth stated they prioritize a high quality product before the lowest market price.
Positives: Papa Earth customer service responded quickly and answered all of our questions. Placing a custom order is simple. Price to weight product sourcing detail was found to be one of the best reviewed meat & fish delivery companies.
Negatives: If you are interested in smaller box orders below $1250, there is a $150 delivery fee with Papa Earth. Bulk Meat Delivery Montreal prices orders above $1250; shipping is free. The online store seems a bit small on a computer with very simple product/inventory pictures.
Papa Earth have an easy to use build your own custom bulk box order system. Meat Delivery Montreal: Bulk Order Facts found this to be well detailed but a bit dated looking.
Mayrand Food Depot provide a 200 lb/year bulk supply of meat and fish for under $3000/year. To be exact: $2416.42 in a single purchase per year; breaking down to a $46.34/week cost. Mayrand Food Depot ranked #3 in Meat Delivery Montreal: Bulk Ordering Facts reviews and scored a 4/6 rating with our checklist. Mayrand Food Depot had the third lowest price with bulk savings at any price. Mayrand Food has a grocery store feel, but with lower cost wholesale prices.
Positives: Great prices and a very nice selection of meat and fish products on their website shop. Purchasing your products online is very simple with Mayrand Food Depot. A very nice looking website and easy to navigate through to find what you are looking to purchase.
Negatives: Limited product sourcing information was a concerning detail. Farm Club Meats and Papa Earth both had clearer price to weight details and provided better product sourcing details. Mayrand Food Depot could be more transparent as other companies ranking lower in our reviews have more details about the source of their product. Out of stock inventory listings seemed unusual and could lead to frustration with the unreliable Montreal meat & fish availability.
Mayrand Food Depot provides a great looking online store setup with slightly more calculation time required vs. Papa Earth.
Ottawa Valley Meats provide a 200 lb/year bulk supply of meat and fish for just over $2500/year. To be exact: $2516.80 in a single purchase per year; breaking down to a $48.27/week cost. Ottawa Valley Meats ranked #4 in Meat Delivery Montreal: Bulk Ordering Facts reviews and scored a 3/6 rating with our checklist. Ottawa Valley Meats had the fourth lowest price with bulk savings starting at $2019.00. Comparing Ottawa Valley to #1 Farm Club, Ottawa Valley Meats cost $252.07 more a year.
Positives: One of the best looking websites in our reviews with beautiful visuals and graphics. Extensive detail and time was put into the usability of their website to make a clear and very good impression for the visitors of Ottawa Valley Meats.
Negatives: Product sourcing information lacks on the Ottawa Valley Meats website. This seems as a bit of a red flag when information is left out when other companies in our reviews provide it. Although the total year price is close to $2500, this is $252.07 more than #1 reviewed Farm Club Meats. There is no indication of a better product or premium brand compared to #2 Papa Earth either. Customer service was friendly and quick to message us back about the final price but product sourcing and specific price/weight objections weren't clarified.
Ottawa Valley Meats have a nice website and online store with great visual detail, however it lacks product sourcing information.
ButcherBox.CA, also known as Butcher Box Canada, provides a 200 lb/year bulk supply of meat and fish for $2903.20/year. This breaks down to a $55.68/week cost. Butcher Box Canada ranked #5 in Meat Delivery Montreal: Bulk Ordering Facts reviews and scored a 1/6 rating with our checklist. ButcherBox.ca provides "bulk savings" starting at $877.88, however, the total yearly overall price is average. Compared to the #1 ranked Farm Club, Butcher Box cost $638.47 more per year or $53.21 higher each month for ordering the same Montreal meat & fish delivery products.
Overall Thoughts: Meat Delivery Montreal: Bulk Order Facts found it confusing at first to figure out who they were exactly, as the company name resembles the more well known official Butcher Box that is only located in the United States. It appears this company is a clone of sorts with similar likeness. Meat Delivery Montreal also found it a bit complicated to figure out their online ordering process from the pictures of people and not knowing this was a portal to their online store. The prices are under $3000/yr; $500+ more than the top two ranked companies reviewed. Customer service didn't respond to our emails. Product sourcing and location information lacks detail vs. other companies in our reviews. Butcher Box appear to have recent positive online reviews.
ButcherBox.CA or Butcher Box Canada has an online store format with products by person.
Les Fermes Valens provide a 200 lb/year bulk supply of meat and fish for $3301.77/year. This breaks down to a $63.32/week cost. Les Fermes Valens ranked #6 in Meat Delivery Montreal: Bulk Ordering Facts reviews and scored a 2.5/6 rating with our checklist. Compared to the #1 ranked Farm Club, Les Fermes Valens cost $1037.04 more per year or $86.42 higher each month for ordering the same meat & fish products. Although the price is significantly higher, Les Fermes Valens provides a local shop for Huntingdon residents with grocery items and shipping available across Quebec.
Positives: Les Fermes Valens has good sourcing details and information about their products; better than 5 other companies. One of only 4 brands we reviewed as well that provide very clear and transparent price to weight information about their product inventory online. All costs can be figured out easily with nothing to hide. Customer service was prompt to reply back and friendly to deal with.
Negatives: Meat Delivery Montreal: Bulk Order Facts found 5 other companies selling the same products for lower prices than Les Fermes Valens. The price differences really add up over a year period when doing the math.
Les Fermes Valens have an easy to understand online meat & fish grocery store with transparent prices that include good info.
Maillard provides a 200 lb/year bulk supply of meat and fish for $3389.98/year. This breaks down to a $65.01/week cost. Maillard ranked #7 in Meat Delivery Montreal: Bulk Ordering Facts reviews and scored a 2.5/6 rating with our checklist. Maillard costs $1125.25 more per year than the #1 reviewed Farm Club for the same meat & fish products. Compared to #9 TruLocal however, Maillard costs $293.62 less per year.
Positives: Meat Delivery Montreal: Bulk Order Facts found the Maillard website to have a nice look and the store was nicely organized with large professional product images. A broad range of items went along with good product sourcing information to compliment the products. Website ordering appears simple and easy. Customer service was good and we replied to our emails.
Negatives: Just like Les Fermes Vailens, Maillard has meat & fish pricing that is in the high range of cost. Bulk order costs for Montreal meat & fish home delivery is considerably more than a bunch of higher rated companies in Meat Delivery Montreal: Bulk Order Facts reviews. Maillard is not the highest price, but also not the best price. Nothing stands out to pay more when the same products are found elsewhere for less.
Maillard has a nice looking online store with a wide range of inventory. Good product description/sourcing info are also present.
Farm to Fork Delivery provides a 200 lb/year bulk supply of meat and fish for $3456.35/year. This breaks down to a $66.29/week cost. Farm2Fork ranked #8 in Meat Delivery Montreal: Bulk Ordering Facts reviews and scored a 1/6 rating with our checklist. Compared to the #1 ranked Farm Club, the Farm2Fork costs are $1191.62 more per year and $99.30 higher each month for ordering the same meat & fish products.
Overall Thoughts: Farm2Fork Delivery is where the red flag starts being waived due to concerns about high costs for purchasing meat & fish delivery. Montreal has a lot of options for high quality online butcher products in our reviews for considerably lower prices. There's nothing on the Farm2Fork website indicating any differences in products from companies like Mayrand Food Depot for example. Both companies have limited product sourcing details, however a price difference of around $1000/year. Papa Earth vs. Farm2Fork is another example where Papa Earth has considerably more product background and sourcing information than Farm2Fork, yet Papa Earth is around $1000/year less than Farm2Fork. Meat Delivery Montreal: Bulk Box Order Facts has seen online advertising for companies like Farm2Fork and TruLocal with many happy online reviews from customers.
Farm2Fork Delivery provide a great looking website shop but product sourcing info is limited and prices are very high.
TruLocal provide a 200 lb/year bulk supply of meat and fish for $3683.60/year. Warning: this is a very high cost in our reviews. It breaks down to a $70.64/week cost. TruLocak ranked #9 with Meat Delivery Montreal: Bulk Ordering Facts and scored a 1/6 rating with our checklist. TruLocal provide "bulk savings" starting at $1195.20, however, the total yearly overall price is the second highest in our reviews. Comparing to the #1 ranked Farm Club, TruLocal costs $1418.87 more per year and $118,24 higher each month for ordering the same meat & fish products. Both Farm Club and TruLocal have good product sourcing and background; explaining their product details clearly and better than most companies in our reviews.
Positives: Only a few companies in Meat Delivery Montreal: Bulk Order Facts reviews had excellent product sourcing information. TruLocal was one of them. Trulocal is a national brand that is recognizable, reliable, and has many online customer reviews with positive feedback on social media. Price concerns do not appear to be present with the feedback.
Negatives: More calculation is required on the TruLocal website than other companies in our reviews. Very high price; customer service provided us a discount which we applied to this review.
TruLocal has a stand-out design and detailed look to their online store as Farm2Fork and Ottawa Valley Meats. Very high prices.
Mon Épicier Bio provides a 200 lb/year bulk supply of meat and fish for $4332.89. Warning: this is $649.29 higher than #9 reviewed TruLocal and both companies are deemed a very high price. This breaks down to a $83.10/week cost. Mon Épicier Bio ranked #10 in Meat Delivery Montreal: Bulk Ordering Facts reviews and scored a 0.5/6 rating with our checklist. Compared to the #1 ranked Farm Club, Mon Épicier Bio costs $2068.16 more per year and $53.21 higher each month for ordering the same meat & fish products. A price difference per month has Mon Épicier Bio costing $172.35 more than Farm Club Meats.
Overall Thoughts (a): The Mon Épicier Bio website shows a good variety of products and product sourcing background details about their meat & fish. Atlantic farm-raised Salmon was the only fish type found with Mon Épicier Bio however, as no wild-caught Pacific was seen as an option. To quote a source online: "Farm-raised salmon can be harvested year-round, making prices for farmed salmon generally lower than prices for wild-caught salmon." - Important reference link.
Overall Thoughts (b): Mon Épicier Bio has a price that works out to be considerably higher per year compared to all other companies in Meat Delivery Montreal: Bulk Order Facts reviews.
Mon Épicier Bio have a classic styled online shop as Papa Earth does. Simple. Works.
Local Butcher Box Montreal Meat & Fish Delivery Prices